Color Blocking Trends.

Why Can I do this? I need to wear more colour. I always wear mainly black but I'm going to start adding colour to my wardrobe.
I just need to experiment more with color blocking combinations. I'm definitely more inspired after seeing all the new trends this spring.  I'm sold and I'm going to put an outfit together. I will blog about this and  put an outfit together of some ideas I have for this trend. 

What 's  Does color blocking consist of?
Colour block fashion is one of the hottest new trends for the season. It combines the use of two or more blocks of colour in an ensemble. It means creating an outfit by putting areas or blocks of solid color next to each other. It can includes bright colours, muted colors, contrasting and complimentary colors. Clothes, shoes, handbags and accessories can all featured color block designs or can make up different blocks of color to be put together for a color block outfit.
Things to keep in mind the rules of wearing color.
  • Don’t be shy to experiment. Any color combination is fantastic if you can pull it off properly. Blue, green and orange sounds mad but will look oh-so-pretty.
  • Do not combine more than three to four colors. More over more colors will keep cutting your body shape here and there making it a not so beautiful sight.
  • Choose what you want to color block and keep the rest of your look simple. For example, if you opt for a colorblocked bag, go easy on the clothes and shoes. You don’t want to look like a Rubik cube, do you??
  • Never ever combine two color blocked items. This is the worst thing to do to this trend. 


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