I was tagged to receive this award. It's for blogs that have less than 100 followers and it's a great idea to introduce your blog to the people and make it popular!
How does it work:
Each person must post eleven things about herself
Answer the eleven question the tagger had set for you
Choose eleven blogs and tag them in this post
Follow the tagger and visit at least three of the nominees
11 things about me:
1. I Romanticize My Existence. 2. I love love coffee 3. Hate mornings. 4. Addicted to Tumblr 5. Athletic 6. Snuggling 7. Rebel 8. Love Sweets 9. Driven 10. Tattoos 11. I'm home sick
11 questions for me to answer.
1.Summer or Winter? Winter
2.Chic & Sexy or Simply & Sporty? Chick & Sexy
3.How do you spend your free time? Tumblr
4.What was your dream job when you was little girl? Teacher
5.Louboutin or YSL? Louboutin
6.What is your favourite movie? Nightmare Before Christmas
7.Do you prefer the natural or the smokey eye for make-up? Smokey eye
8.Straight or Curly hair? Straight
9.Do you prefer the window shopping or the online shopping? Window Shopping
10.What is your favorite song? Unchained Melody Righteous Brothers.
11.Do you prefer high heels or flat shoes? High Heels
You have a beautiful blog! I really like it! And this contest is great (;