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Life's Suggestion's Notes: "Be comfortable, we'll in one's skin"

This is probably the most difficult thing to acquire?  Why is so difficult to achieve? Why is so hard to become comfortable with ourselves? 

The most beautiful confident women are those who own their unique look, talents, age and lifestyle and refuse to apologize.

Being comfortable with our own skin is liberating!

Rihanna for AnOther Magazine I find these images to be Empowering.

Some liberating quotes.

"Don't waste your time responding to your critiques"

Let's Face it! Life is full of critics and judgmental individuals to be worried about people hating our work, or appear. Why not entrust that responsibility to those who merit it? External influences like friends and family?

Once we stop attempting to impress others. Life get's easier! Be yourself and tickle your own wonders! 

Keep Blogging! Rock On!!


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