I enjoy heading to the beach for an oceanside vacation as often as possible specially since I live in California and we have so many miles of shoreline beaches around the rocky coast.
My favorite spot is Ventura Beach. It's secluded not far from LA but not too close so you actually feel like you are getting away.
The beach is an amazing place to escape to in the winter! Don't forget your swimsuit.
My favorite spot is Ventura Beach. It's secluded not far from LA but not too close so you actually feel like you are getting away.
When it comes to creating a fabulous beach outfit, there are so many options.
Check out this site for great beach resort outfits.
I really like the surfer inspired looks.
I'm feminine, but with an edge. I like wearing muscle tees with striped dress and boots or sandals. Gives me a surfer, marine look.
The beach is an amazing place to escape to in the winter! Don't forget your swimsuit.