Coronavirus Quarantine Tips!

It has only been a few weeks since the Coronavirus has shaken the core of the United States

I think we can all agree on one thing: this month feels so unrealMaybe this is a good time to finally make health our top priority and become the best versions of ourselves.
How can we prepare at this point?
Lets cover a few simple tips to help ride out the storm with a little more peace of mind, and a lot less fear!
How do we keep our mind at ease? How do we stay positive? and calm?

I realize that writing down something positive that has happened to me do to this pandemic has help me a lot

It really sets the tone for your day when you make time to note the positive things in your life


I personally think stress is the biggest cause of illness and diseases.
How can we help our body Reduce stress? Deep breathing can help calm anxiety during this difficult times.   The Wim Hof method is simple and easy.  While sitting in a comfortable place, take 30 quick, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, take a deep breath and exhale; hold until you need to breathe in. Inhale again, as deep as you can, and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat as many times as you like
Check the video here to learn more 

Take a walk every morning!!! It really works fresh air can work wondersBy making outdoor time a daily habitit will help boost your mood and overall happiness. 

Fasting is good way to boost your immune system and at the same time helping the 

body maintain weight and prevent over eating habits while staying home. 

It’s a good idea to fast in the times of Covid-19? The Scientific Director of Buchinger Wilhelmi is answering on.

 I recommend watching this video it talks about it in
 detail. As we all know we need to avoid infections by washing your hands frequently. 

 Another way to boost your immunity is by eating the right food

1. Turmeric
Turmeric can be added to a variety of dishes as a spice. It has anti-inflammatory action just like ginger.

2. Giger

3. Garlic 
Surely a lot of you (including myself) are not big fans of garlic
However, its good to add it to your menu sometimesGarlic not only helps to boost your immune system, but also to lower blood pressureMore about blood pressure can be found in this article.

4. Broccoli

5. Citrus fruits

6. Green tea is rich in antioxidants 

7. Spinach

8. Almonds 

Deep cleaning

If the house has not been deep cleaned in a while, why not take advantage of this 

time disinfect all corners of the house like door knobs light switches and basically 

checking every corners of your home.

If you have humidifiers is probably a good time to have them on

Humidity could be helpful in relieving the symptoms of coronavirus, as well as 

preventing it from spreading. Studies show.

Getting artsy or crafty at home during this time is so important.  Pinterest is a great place to find instructions and inspiration for tons of activities.  Maybe paint or draw a new piece for your home, craft a new dish in the kitchen or sew your new favorite wardrobe piece. The possibilities are endlessThe most important way always ... Stay safe and don't give up!

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