Red Light Therapy

I first got word about red light therapy through watching different skin care routines on YouTube like go to bed with me Harper’s Bazaar and also by learning through some recommendations from dermatologist. I'm as well looking into booking an engagement with one soon locally so they can evaluate my skin.

What Is Red Light Therapy?

Red and near infrared light therapy works by stimulating the mitochondria in our cellular telephones to produce more ATP (energy). As a result, our cells have more energy to carry out their necessary functions. Feel free to do a search on red and near infrared light therapy to determine more. I highly recommend reading Ari Whitten's book which can be found on Amazon :)

 A bulk of these products are super gimmicky the way that lasers products work is that you have a very specific wavelengths in order for them to be effective a lot over the counter products and a lot of them are just kind of taking your money and they don’t address the wave length conveniently.

This is where stuff over the counter get's a bit iffy if you can get the device that has the exact wavelength that you are looking for it can be useful over the counter device and yeah the light shines but that doesn’t mean thats an actual focused wavelength the way it needs to be.

In that spectrum of light it moves far beyond. What we can personally see is a very tiny amount to make a difference.

Now LEDs stand for light emitting diode and you might have caught this blue light in clear light in green light and there is a specific wave behind these and how they working professional spa’s and dermatologist they all huge panels that cost thousands of dollars and they are really intense with a very specific wavelength.

Meaning if you are attempting to target collagen production or killing acne of bacteria that specific wavelength can be tuned in delivery and produce those results.

How Can You Get This Specific Wavelength Treatment with over the counter devices?

There are a few FDA cleared red LED (light-emitting diode) home devices that include
830nm and 630nm red wavelengths that you can utilize to treat yourself at home according to this study’s procedure
Based on researching all clinical studies, you can expect the best results after at least 12 weeks of treatment.
Note that this study combined red light (633 nm) with infrared light (830 nm – invisible red light), as do most high quality red LED light home devices like this one.

You generally use it 1-5 minutes per spot / area, 2 to 3 times a day. They usually wear glasses to protect your eyes.

So If research indicates that its beneficial mainly for inflammation and pain
led lights really improve  skin? Can I get younger skin with red lights?

Studies has shown inflammation causes our skin's collagen and elastin to break down at a faster rate.

This means that if you regularly let out your body to environments which cause inflammation fine lines and wrinkles will appear earlier.

In the closing, all we know is that there are positive results of red light application on inflammatory conditions. Then it got me thinking about using it directly on my face to reduce the inflammation.

Certainly refreshes the skin and makes it look better, but it won’t suddenly make you appear years younger. I however wouldn’t go without it on my face because I like the full body benefits it shows potentially.


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