What have I been wearing lately?
I know I should be talking about spring wear but I'm still obsessed with my military look.
Militaristic Bomber jackets, in varying shades of olive green and some Doc Martens
boots or utilitarian boots, this style is here to stay. This look is more sporty & androgynous.
Plus a short haircut and aviators shades complements my whole look.
The military jacket is an absolute staple in my closet, I like to mix it with dresses or mini skirts. My military jacket just makes my look stronger and adds power to it.

Forever skulls! I've always been nuts about them. But this shirt is Raddest of them all! It reminds me of all my Sinful Fashions.
My Gluttony and Greediness: I'm so guilty, I have so much clothing that I just never wear. It's never enough, I must have five identical black skirts just because they are all so cute. I'm in denial, I've grown out of my clothes but I refuse to admit it and I keep it all instead of donating it to Goodwill or The Salvation Army.
Pride and Envy: Oh my! Like most girls sometimes we get caught up in the beauty contest, we become obsessed with our image, it's really unhealthy. The race for vanity and perfection. I know I've had problems like this, being a girl and all. We get caught up in the contest and we wear revealing clothing or try to emulate someone else's look.
My wrath: Jeans, I love and hate them! They just don't suit me.
Lust: Designer labels! If money grew on trees... Chanel
Sloth: Oh my laziness. Chipped nail polish and messy hair - that's the reason I like short hair styles.
What's your most sinful fashion obsession?
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